Sweet A2A2 Cow Milk

Dandy is our grass-fed Jersey milk cow and farm mascot.

She has been certified as “A2-A2”, which means both her momma and poppa were A2 milk cows. In a nutshell, A2 milk does not contain the undesirable proteins that causes 1 in 4 people to experience digestive issues. It has all the nutritional qualities of goat milk, without the chevre flavor!

To learn more about A2 Milk, check out this great A2 discussion.


Why Dandy’s Sweet Milk is so Awesome

The milk that Dandy gives is fresh, raw, organic, mostly grass fed A2/A2 cows milk. It is unpasteurized. It is whole, non-homogenized milk. The cream will settle out at the top of the jar. Skim a spoonful of cream off the top for in your coffee. It’s incredible!

This milk is fabulous drinking milk, even better with chocolate in it. Very luxurious!


Our dairy products will be labeled “pet use only” as required by Florida law for raw milk. You are welcome to heat it and pasteurize it yourself if you so desire. We do not at our house, because we know the health of our animals. And that says a lot, because we are fanatics about cleanliness in regards to food.

How Much and Where to Get it

$6 per half gallon, In the Farm Stand.

About Jersey Cows

The Jersey breed originated on the Island of Jersey, a small British island in the English Channel off the coast of France. The Jersey is one of the oldest dairy breeds, having been reported by authorities as being purebred for nearly six centuries.

They are excellent grazers and perform well in intensive grazing programs. They are more tolerant of heat than the larger breeds. With an average weight of 900 pounds, the Jersey produces more pounds of milk per pound of body weight than any other breed.

Jersey cows produce a higher-quality milk that is richer tasting, with a more full bodied flavor, that is better for you. Milk from Jersey cows is naturally higher in essential nutrients, containing more vitamins overall—especially more Vitamins A and B1 per liter than Holstein milk.