The Greenhouse

There’s always something interesting growing in the Greenhouse!

The Hearnalez Farm Greenhouse was completed in October, 2018. It houses all of our seedlings and sensitive plants. This is the staging area to grow up seedlings before they are moved to one of the larger outdoor gardens.

Florida rainstorms often wash away new seeds or seedlings, so the Greenhouse is a great way to protect them from the elements until they are strong enough to withstand our tropical weather.

Hydroponic Growing

The Greenhouse will also be home to our dual hydroponic growing system, which will be focused primarily on tomatoes. Each hydro system will support 20 plants, and will be capable of producing approximately 300 lbs per harvest. So every six weeks or so, we will have plenty of hydroponically grown tomatoes for you!


We are also testing out our ability to grow microgreens, used for plate garnishes and tasty gourmet salads. Initial results have been excellent!